lauantaina, lokakuuta 04, 2008

Kaikkea sitä


Asserting like a pipe the novel piping,
trusted by a proper tube, lie
Always imprecate a pipe, tube
piping tube piping,
as he should
He stays on the pipes
of the morning
Always blaspheme a pipe, piping piping piping
tube, as he must
He avows me
He turns earthy, he
turns earthy
The hint of love turns to
maize in the
Between this clover
and that clover
Here is a sand,
a backbone, a backbone, backbones for
a backbone
He has no dismay
He is always
due in the face of anything that
is pestiferous, sweet as the sands
Is this plucking
then, this freckled chrysoprase?
He does not
cuss me. He does
not cuss me at all.
Elevated nation by me on
a commonwealth
A chronologic nation wandered
This is what it
is to be countless
What kind of costly being is
that, costly as jealousy?

Karri Kokko

Ota tästä selvää. Yli 3000 runoilijaa ja melkein 4000 sivua. Antologia, jonka sisältö on ihan huuhaata. Tai no, jos joku haluaa merkitä yllä olevan tekstin minun tekemäkseni, niin mikäs siinä.

PS. Pikaisella silmäyksellä mukana ovat suomalaisista itseni lisäksi ainakin J-P Kervinen, Leevi Lehto, Marko Niemi, Aki Salmela, Miia Toivio, Janne Nummela, Esa Mäkijärvi, Olli Sinivaara ja Elias Lönnrot.

1 kommentti:

troylloyd kirjoitti...

hey Karri, your poem is great, piping piping piping.

"my" poem is quite boring, not the good unboring boring, just boring, i dislike mangroves:

A sort of green
In indifference she sacrifices a cemetary, banging
across her call, morose from sincerity
A green is fair
A kind of wire
Blamed as nature
Blamed as hurry
Clean-shaved as ivory
Earthy as a mangrove